The Chosen One

Even though there were potential buildings to choose from, we agreed to keep the selection simple and allow us to be open with terrain and surroundings. The Well City offers unlimited opportunities to the potential setting and although it is numerous, the simplicity of the design and ability to clone objects allow this project to be effectively fabricated and processed.
The Unchosen One

The building that wasn't chosen was eVolo's skyscraper. This descision was made solely because it does not offer an open mind for terrain and environment and thusly, the setting has already been defined by the original architect.
8 Potential Problems
And then we went on to discuss potential challenges that we would encounter along the way. As of now, the challenges are:
- Creating water within the buildings
- Drilling a perfect rectangular hole
- Lighting of the rooms
- Importing materials to Crysis
- Importing miscellaneous objects to Crysis
- Creating the cave for the well
- Recreating the space (scale) with the information available
- Correct flow of water (well to pool)
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